
Chargers beat Broncos

The leaders of the league Denver Broncos have lost their first ever home game this season against a surprising team the Chargers! The Broncos managed to gain the lead first however this early lead was killed off by the Chargers good defense!

In the game against the chargers and the Bronco’s it ended in 27-20 a great win for the chargers beating the Denver side at home. It has been dubbed the biggest shake up to the NFL that has happened this season, a huge surprise the Denver offense this season has been good but quite shaky at times however the chargers have most certainly been in a class of their own in this crucial game the Broncos could not deliver as expected.

Rivers making a pass, Rivers was the man of the match proving exactly why he is the second best quarterback in the NFL!
Rivers making a pass, Rivers was the man of the match proving exactly why he is the second best quarterback in the NFL!

But this season the chargers have been surprising us with such good play especially from there offense, and in this game against the Broncos the Chargers delivered what they have been showing off all season.

On Thursdays game the chargers used pretty much the same set up that they have done all season, a set up with Phillip Rivers as the main man who is now said to be the second best quarter back in the NFL, with strong offense with accurate throws being taken the Chargers punished the Bronco’s with what is proving to be one of the best one two punches at running back the NFL has seen in a long time giving Mathews the power to get 129 yards in just 29 carries.

The Broncos tried to hold on with but simply could not get the ball at times from the chargers as the chargers held the ball at times for 38 whole minutes, the chargers kept hold of the ball by running 44 times but only passing a total of 20 times but when the time did come for the chargers to pass the ball Rivers passed with accuracy and style.

The Denver’s defense is struggling this season and is getting weaker with each match it seems and going up against such a strong team that is surprising us all and break records this season the Denver’s had to lose.

This recent game has put the Chargers in a  good position to make the playoffs.

The Denver broncos had been the chargers team to beat and with beating them at their stadium proves just how strong the San Diego side are at the moment.

-After the match fight broke out between opposing fans, Police have reported 3 people were stabbed in the incident.

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